Allison Kotal

My name is Allison Kotal. Currently, I’m a stay-at-home mom to three beautiful children: Madeline (11), Hannah (8) and Jack (almost 5). I absolutely love raising our three kids alongside my husband of 13 years, Clint.
Almost five years ago, we were given the surprise of a lifetime when we received a birth diagnosis of Down syndrome. Meaning….we didn’t have any knowledge or suspicion that Jack would have Down syndrome until after he was born. After Jack’s eventful arrival, doctors immediately suspected Down syndrome based on some of Jack’s physical characteristics. Nine days later, lab work confirmed that Jack indeed, had Trisomy 21. While hard to admit now, in the beginning, I was unsure of what the future might hold for our family and I felt sorry for myself and my family, not knowing the impact Down syndrome would have on our lives.
Turns out, Jack’s extra chromosome was really nothing to fear but instead, everything to LOVE! Down syndrome is just a piece of what makes Jack so incredibly special to us. Jack is loveable. He is all BOY! He loves Disney movies, dinosaurs, cows, and he’s a blueberry eating machine! He marches to the beat of his own drum, and I can’t wait to see where life carries him.
2024 will be our families first year taking the 3/21 Pledge! I remember learning about Ruby’s Rainbow for the first time after Jack was born. Later, I met Liz in person at a conference and she asked me if I wanted to help Ruby’s Rainbow by becoming a Pledge Committee Member…. of course I was a YES! What could be better than coming together as a community to raise money for scholarships for people who have Down syndrome?!?
Thank you for your support!