Good Morning Plachta Family,

Thank you so much for honoring Samantha with a scholarship for college. It melts my heart to see her along with her peers talking about college and her telling them that she is going to college and was awarded a scholarship. My husband and I wanted Samantha to have the same opportunities as everyone else especially being able to attend college. As determined as we were to make it happen there were times when it didn’t seem possible. We just kept moving forward and Samantha continued to work harder. This scholarship means the world to our family and it has gotten Samantha closer to her dreams. Our beautiful dancing diva will be a college freshman next month.

Thank you so much for everything you all do!! Ruby you are an inspiration and we look forward to seeing your journey!

Thank you,

Tabatha Gonzalez

Lovin’ life over here peeps! These little notes make me smile so incredibly big!! So excited for the future and to see what all these amazing individuals accomplish!!!

#rockinrecipientsrule #rubysrainbow #college#scholarship