Bethany Wissler has been working at the Outback Steakhouse as a hostess for almost two years. She just started her first year at the University of Toledo and says she loves her job but “going to college might give me choices.” She wants to learn more about technology and public speaking in hopes of helping others. She currently also volunteers as a teacher’s aide for Safety City, a program that helps younger kids with special needs learn to be safe.

Bethany is well loved at her job and one co-worker ,Amy says, “She is our little ray of sunshine and makes every shift better!” They also say that her laugh is contagious and she is the most “caring person and her hugs are the best!” She is very much a part of their team and highly valued as an employee.

I worked in the restaurant business for many years and I hope someday both my girls have the opportunity to do so too. I learned so much about myself and others, and it makes my heart happy to see Bethany rockin’ it at the Outback spreading her contagious laughter, big hugs and her little ray of sunshine everywhere she goes!! I can’t wait to see what’s next for you Bethany!! Keep on rockin’ it!!
