Meet Mikayla Holmgren. This is her story as told by her family:

Life isn’t easy, especially when it starts out by coming into this world six and a half weeks early and needing multiple surgeries the first few days of your life. Mikayla was born with TE Fistula and Duo-Denal Atrisia. After six weeks in the NICU, she was finally able to come home. Her life was a series of doctors and therapist appointments. As we met with specialists, many were telling us that it may take years for her to learn how to walk and talk because of the early arrival and the physical healing that she needed. But, even in the NICU we saw a glimmer of her fight for life. As therapists worked with her, she achieved goals that surprised even them.

Mikayla would say her first word at 9 months. She would start walking at 13 months. Again, doctors and therapists were amazed at how strong she was becoming. Dreams had been shattered when we were told Mikayla had Down Syndrome. But we were determined to make new dreams. After reading an article on the benefits of dancing for children with special needs, we decided to enroll her when she was in first grade. We thought, if nothing else, it would be a good social activity for her to be with other children.

She continued to dance and found a passion for it that has led her to choreographing her own dance solos. She has taken these solos to competitions, where she has won awards and the hearts of those who watch. She has also been a part of a competition dance troupe for a
number of years. It has been so fun to see the other young ladies accept her and encourage her. But she also returns the love. Mikayla will send notes of encouragement, either by email or text messages, to the dance studio and dancers who are performing, auditioning or struggling with life. Dance has taught her so much more than dance steps. It has taught her to connect with others, to work hard, and to reach for the stars.

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She is now attending Bethel University BUILD Program and continuing to live life to the fullest. Mikayla’s mom, two uncles, aunt, cousins and other extended family are also Bethel grads and her mom says, “It is kind of a family tradition. The funny part is, she always said she was going to Bethel someday, and here she is.”

Hope this story keeps your heart smiling and your day grateful!
