My hubby and I have always tried to lead pretty simple lives…we have never focused on the “stuff” but more on the life experiences and the people we meet along the way.  We always joke when leaving somewhere and looking around for things left behind…”we got the kids…nothing else matters.”  We have never had to buy clothes for our kiddos because we have been blessed to be riding the “hand me down’ train, and try to keep it going as our girls out-grow things. It would be nice to get on an adult version of that train because we never buy clothes for ourselves either…ha!  My oldest daughter re-invents things as new toys and games…she played with an unraveled ball of yarn for a week for instance.  Her imagination is quite amazing and even leads into her telling me what her “poo” resembles.  Kinda like looking at the clouds…right?  Anywho…not sure where I was going with that, but I hope my girls grow up knowing the value in love and friendships, the importance of time spent with one another and realize that material things are….well…just not important...that one day they all become obsolete.  They wash away like castles in the sand (gotta love some Stevie)…BUT…castles in the sand are sure fun to make while they last…

Ruby loading the buckets..

The teamwork was pretty stellar…Doobs really working her OT skills with the shovel.  The beach provides all sorts of “therapy” sessions (sshhh..don’t tell Doobs :)).  We sneak em in any chance we get…

Ella Mae is ready to show off her new digs….

Even the birds want to hang out in our new castle (or there is some left over popcorn…)

Ruby was really lovin’ the freedom of the beach as well…walking in the sand is another good PT workout (sneaky..sneaky..) and man…she was all over the place!

Check ya later dudes!

                             Who doesn’t love the ocean breeze blowing through your pig-tails?

She wanted so badly to be with sister in the ocean…Ella Mae is our 24 hour therapist (sshhh…don’t tell Doobs).  Peer modeling is one of the ways the Rubinator and those like her learn best, so to have that constant crazy sister running around her…it’s priceless!

She’s checkin’ big sis out…

I think I am gonna go see what all the fuss is about…
She was almost running to see what all the commotion was about! 
Check you later dudes….

 Simply put:  I need nothing else to fill my heart but these three. I guess you could say I was queen for our day on the beach…but I really feel that lucky  most days.  Would I like to live in a real life castle?  Nah…but my castle in the sand was pretty cool while it lasted 🙂