“Higher Mommy! Higher!!”
My daughters and I were out in the front yard this afternoon hangin out watering the plants…I decided to invite them to my ”15 minutes” of solitude today.  My oldest loves bugs..she has since she before she could say the word bug.  She would kneel down when she would see any kind of insect..caterpiller, lady bugs..anything that crawled…and she would say in a long drawn out voice…”BBUUUUUUUUGGG!!!!” Now, of course, her descriptions are much more elaborate and she actually has conversations with them.  Today we found one that looked like a ladybug that was all black..no spots.  Ella Mae and I had the discusion about it and came to the conclusion it was “not a lady bug because it had no wings”…Ella’s words.  She is so darn cute!  She has the bug on her hand and says to it “Hey lil’ guy!”  It is so funny to hear myself in her sometimes…that was exactly what I would have said to the “lil guy”.  Anywho…after playing with it for a while she has it nestled on a leaf and decides to let it “free in the culde”…Ella’s words.  We both walk out to the driveway and she puts the leaf on the ground, kind of a ceremonial gesture to “release the lil guy” back to the world. She was literally laying on the concrete (in her princess dress of course)..almost nose to nose with her bug buddy.  She was so proud of herself…”Free in the Culde” is a great feeling.  It’s like a boat ride with the wind blowin’ through your hair.. or Ella Mae swinging in the back yard yelling “Higher! Higher!”  without any fear…or Ruby Doop Doobs using that sweet voice to “tell Grandmother how the world should be run”..grandmother’s words. We could all learn a little something from that lil’ wingless ladybbuuuuggg.  We should all spend our lives “Free in the Culde”  🙂
Ruby “Telling Ella Mae how the world should be run”