Rockin’ Recipient Rion Working Two Jobs!
October 30, 2018

After graduating from the ClemsonLIFE Program, Rion was ready to hit the work force. He applied to over 25 businesses, introduced himself to managers, and had a typed resume to give out. Only 2 granted him interviews…but he was offered BOTH jobs on the same day and has been at each employer for over two years now! He is a water slide attendant at the YMCA and also works at an office tech at Advanced Therapy Solutions. He had a terrific job coach through Vocational Rehabilitation that assisted him for the first few months while he learned the ropes at both jobs at the same time, and since then, he’s been rockin’ it all on his own. Rion is responsible for waking up, getting himself ready, eating breakfast and using the Lyft or Uber app to call for a car to get him to work on time. Sometimes he even gets in a workout before clockin’ in!
Rion’s mom had this to say:
“Working within the community is important for personal growth and maturity. It is also good for the public to see how well our young people work, how capable they are. When people have swim parties now at the YMCA, they request Rion because he has developed relationships with the members and their kids. They love him!”
Keep on rockin’ it Rion!!
#RockinRecipientsRule #DreamJob #RubyAndNellaGoToWork#OctoberAwarenessCampaign #RubysRainbow #TheLuckyFew #NoLimits#LifeAfterCollege #LifeWithRubyDoobs #DownSyndromeAwareness#DownSyndrome #DownSyndromeAwarenessMonth#DownSyndromeRocks #NDEAM